Document No.: MUM/OFS/MHA/ST/FACILITY-NGG/2025/WINEOI/1417893
Issuance date: 22nd January, 2025
date for submission of EoI: 2nd February, 2025
M/s. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is engaged in the
exploration and production of the Mumbai High field. The Water Injection North
(WIN) platform of Mumbai High Field is a water treatment and water Injection
platform and is connected to NC platform through a bridge. It is designed to
treat seawater and supply 320000 BWPD of treated water which is used for water
injection to maintain the pressure of the reservoirs in Western Offshore. Power
for running the platform facilities is generated on the platform itself.
Supporting facilities such as Firewater Pumps, Fire Protection Systems,
Pedestal Cranes, Diesel Fuel Systems, Potable Water Systems etc. are provided
on the platform.
platform includes a fully functional living quarters with all the necessary
comforts to accommodate 90 persons. A Helideck along with a jet fuelling system
is also part of the platform. Platform is presently being operated by ONGC
of the EOI: Input from operators of O&M shall be helpful in finalizing the
scope of work, assessing the market scenario and addressing other potential
issues which will contribute to achieving a successful tender and award. Inputs
shall also be used for the estimation of cost and to develop a KPI-based
payment SYSTEM for the proposed contract. An Expression of Interest (EOI) is
proposed to gather valuable feedback from the industry and to give adequate
publicity and elicit wider participation from potential bidders.
to EOI: Procurement & Contracts section, Mumbai High Asset, ONGC Mumbai
invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from prospective bidders for the Operation
and Maintenance of the WIN platform. Interested participants are requested to
submit their response on or before the last date of submission of EOI through
hard copy/e-mail to the office of Head - Procurement and Contracts, Mumbai High
Asset, ONGC, Shri C.S.Chopra and c.c to Shri Ashis Guha, Chief General Manager
(P), mail id: guha_ashish@ongc.co.in (Telephone No. 022-6968 2605)
Subject to be mentioned while submitting response: "Hiring of services for
Operation & Maintenance contract of WIN platform, MH asset for a period of
05 years."
Shri C.S Chopra, Chief General Manager (P), Head - Procurement & Contracts,
MH Asset, C-607, 6th Floor A-Wing, Vasudhara Bhavan, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400
051. Tel.: +91-22-6968 2607, E-mail: chopra_cs@ongc.co.in
meeting shall be held on 5th February, 2025 and 6th February, 2025 at the
Conference Room, 6th Floor Vasudhara Bhavan, ONGC, Bandra East, Mumbai. VC link
shall be provided for offsite participants to attend online. Prospective
bidders are requested to make presentations on their capabilities, experience
and other details during EOI meet. The presentation should be of around 25-30
minutes duration and may be followed by 15-20 minutes interaction with each
participant. Participants are required to provide soft copy of presentation
before the EOI meet.
price details are required to be submitted at this stage. Budgetary proposals
WILL be sought by ONGC later, post the deliberations at EOI meet.
of EOI are available for viewing and downloading from the website:
https://tenders.ongc.co.in or https://etenders.gov.in
To download the latest issue 'Volume 31 Issue 21 - February 10, 2025', click here |